Fear of change

I remember the day I was sitting in my living room in Oklahoma City in my childhood home we had purchased from my parents a few months prior. Sitting there rocking my 8 week old baby so exhausted from recovering from a C section, and getting used to very small amounts of intermittent sleep. My... Continue Reading →


Over the past week I have been watching this same little spider build its web from our back porch. Some spiders build new webs every night, but this one continues to repair the damaged places. Even when a tear or damage comes to it, it goes back and repairs it again and keeps on going.... Continue Reading →

Love, your Mama

As I sit here in your nursery listening to the rain outside and watching the rise and fall of your chest I cant help but sit here and hold you a little longer. Rock you a little more studying all your sweet little features. Before you were ever here I used to sit in this... Continue Reading →


Let's be real with each other again for a bit and talk about comparison. Comparison is the act of looking at things to see how they are similar or different. In this day and age this can be something so easy to take part in. We are continually seeing each other’s highlight reels on social... Continue Reading →

You are good

Looking back over our journey through infertility I can’t help but be overwhelmed by the goodness of God! When we started this journey I had in my mind what I thought it should look like. I could clearly see all the pieces to my puzzle, and see how they should all flawlessly fit together. What... Continue Reading →

Finding rest

Let’s be real with each other for a bit. In the world we live in today people flow more effortlessly with the constant hustle and bustle than they do with the concept of rest. Whether that be physically, mentally, or spiritually. We feel a constant need to be going and then in turn complain about... Continue Reading →


A huge thank you to everyone who contributed to the #yourstorymatters series. I truly enjoyed spending time getting to know you more and getting a glimpse into your fertility journeys. The power of prayer told us about a journey using a sperm donor. She was courageous and brave. She knew God was leading her on... Continue Reading →

Healing is in your hands

We started trying to have children in 2011 and we got pregnant with our first baby by March 2011. We then miscarried that pregnancy in May 2011 and became pregnant once again in July 2011. We had our first sweet baby girl on April 1st, 2012. We had a little bit longer of a journey... Continue Reading →


Guest Post by: Chris and Katie Drew Our fertility journey began in 2013. Chris and I were newly-weds and decided to start trying to expand our family five months after we were married. At first we had no idea that we would have trouble conceiving and thought that because we were so young it would... Continue Reading →

Never say never!

Thank you to Kristen Everson for today's guest post in our #yourstorymatters series. I was always the "I'm never getting married" and the "I'm never having kids" girl. In your early 20s you think you know it all, or at least I sure thought I did. In 2012 I met the guy that changed my... Continue Reading →

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